Red Knights Memorial

Boylston, Massachusetts

...where it all began!


The first video (below) has information about the memorial
with photos from the 2007 Dedication of our Memorial


(Click on the play arrow to start video)


May 5, 2018, Re-dedication of the RKMC Memorial Park
and Dedication of Memorial Hall


Worcester Telegram article about the World Trade Center Steel
to be used as part of the Memorial Site.


The artifact was a remnant of the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York . Bearing the numbers C-149 and N-176 that signify its role in the federal investigation, the thick, 5-foot-long piece of steel was part of a floor joist and truss support in the impact area between floors 94 and 98 of Tower 1, where one of the two terrorist-commandeered planes hit.

Video from 9-11 Steele Escort:



Video from Steel Dedication at Memorial



Map Quest to the Memorial